The waiting is still dragging on. G’s father is convinced J is trying to bamboozle him in some way, that she is getting paid for placing G with us, and that her one goal in life is trying to bankrupt...
View ArticleRecurring Nightmare
G’s father will not be signing the papers. Today he had a visit scheduled with G and served J papers saying he is suing her for custody of G. His timing could not be worse for deciding to give a shit....
View ArticleCures That Don’t Work
Bought two pairs of shoes. Ate fried chicken, waffle fries, and a Chik-fil-A milkshake. The cashier’s name at Chik-Fil-A was Greg. Of course it was. Could it have been anything else? Threw up milkshake...
View ArticleMy Life Is an Australian Christmas Movie
In the 80′s, this horrible Christmas movie always came on TV during the holidays. Set in the Australian Outback, it was all about this poor farming family and their trials and tribulations. There’s a...
View ArticleMaybe (Reprise)
I’m very happy to be pregnant. Very, very happy. But still, there are moments when I think about G and am very sad. The other day in the car, the song “Maybe (Reprise)” from the movie Annie came on my...
View ArticleA Better Year
Last week, my mom and I went on our annual buying trip to Houston. I’d forgotten until I stepped off the airplane and into Terminal B that this airport was the very place where 2009 began to spin out...
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